Jan 6, 2014

My Winter Holidays 2013-2014

20131231 & 20140101

How was your Winter Holidays?? I went to my parents' home on the last day & the beginning of the year and meet my father, mother, grandma, and pets!! the dog named NATSU, and the dog named 豹・HYOU (it's mean Panther!! I love panther when I was a child<3)
I draw a sketch for my New Year's Greetings. Paper and Pencils is my favorite items, I confirm again!!



With my mother, I went to ISETAN shinjuku for shopping on 2nd January. We can see & buy「Kansai Yamamoto POP UP STORE @ TOKYO解放区」. Kansai Yamamoto collaborated some young creators!!
山本寛斎さんとMishaや串野さんがコラボしているとのことで、2日は新宿ISETANへ。Mishaのタイツは履きこなせたらかなりかわいい。あと串野真也さんのクラッチもすてき。シューズコーナーには舘鼻さんのスニーカー THE DAUGHTERSもあります。全て2F。まだ見てないという方、お急ぎください!


Tale of the end of the year… I went to Kyoto for a 2 day and 1 night without plans. no, I have only a plan "meet my friend". I met my friends who live in Kyoto. Masaya Kushino and Tomoko Kawao held   year-end party, so I drunk with them and Junpei Omori and their friends!! And the next day I went to Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto, with my friend Tomoko Kawao. She is a popular calligrapher in Japan. Since it was very good recollections that visited to pray together with Tomoko, I have not carried out to the first visit in the year to a shrine yet this year<3
話を戻すと、年末は京都にふらりと着の身着のままカメラも持たずに行って来ました。友達に会うため!!活躍するアーティスト陣のみなさんと話すのは1番たのしい。シューズデザイナーの串野さん、書家の川尾朋子ちゃん、一緒に展示した陶芸家の大森準平くん。いきなり忘年会にお邪魔した翌日は朋子ちゃんに連れられて八坂神社へ 早めの参拝をしてきました。そんなこんなで初詣はまだ行ってません。笑 1月中に伊勢神宮に行きたいな!

 posted by Junko