Do you have any prejudice of beauty? You may find it in casual scene, live in every day. When choosing the dress to wear, what do you consider? Is it suite for the situation? everybody regard you as lovely? or you think the dress is lovely? And, why do you chose it? A celeb wears it or, the brand is popular? You find it? If you wear it you look beautiful? you sympathized with designer's view? What you choose and regard is your opinion. You are forming yourself in much selection. Unconscious or consciousness, you might be able to recognize your-self if you see once again your selections.
自分の中で美に対するこだわりはありますか? 何気ない景色の中に、日常の中に、生きる事に。着る服を選ぶ時あなたは何を考えますか。それはシチュエーションに合うから?可愛いと思われるから?自分がその服を良いと思ったから?それはなぜ良いと思ったのでしょうか。有名人が着ていたから?ブランドが有名だったから?自分がいいと思って手に取ったから?自分自身が美しく見えると思ったから?デザイナーの考え方に共感したから? 何を選ぶか、何を美しいと思うかその全てはあなたの自由。沢山の選択の中であなたは自分を構築しています。無意識か意識的か、その多くの選択の理由を見つめ直したとき、自分自身が見えて来るのかもしれません。
Exhibition of JOJI KOJIMA was held at Mercedes-Benz connection in Roppongi during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Tokyo. Exhibition "UTOPIA" of one-night limitation performed in Le baron de Paris in February. This time added new design of the series of "UTOPIA". I met with his collections about a year and a half before. I thought wonderful that the dignity which has a delicate detail and prejudice in visuals.
2月にLe baron de Parisにて行われた一夜限りの展示。その際に発表されていたUTOPIAに新作が加えられた展示会。
The jewelries associate with the organic curve which an animal has. Fascinating beautiful plant backs up "UTOPIA" of the animals which spread in a cage.
You can feel his beauty which from the photograph of the web. . Textures with the high-class feeling of ostrich and stingray are very comfortable views of the world which release quiet shining. Therefore, his collections show us a new form and has deviated from the design of the jewelry which we have seen. And when people are related in it, a new form will be produced. There is the aesthetic world which he aims at. Seeming to be small animals, such as a lizard and reptiles, the animals currently displayed transform to some birds when the man attaches to the body. The design which cut off the universal beauty which an animal has. I feel his design might be called as ART-PIECE in spite of belong a domain of "fashion".

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