They remind me animals and have the sharp silhouette of the curves. I really love the works have beautiful metal texture. these are new works "INSECTA" of JOJI KOJIMA.
Joji Kojima (born 1987 in California, U.S.A.) started learning to make accessories by himself at the age of 15 or so,
and majored in graphic design, photography and typography in Tama Art University, Tokyo.
While he was still in college, he attracted attention from different people in the world for contributing his works
to one of LADY GAGA’s albums, and in 2010 established his own brand, JOJI KOJIMA.
He has published his works at first-class select shops such as RESTIR in Tokyo, L’ECLAIREUR in Paris, and JOYCE in Hong Kong.
He is also engaged in providing various artists in and around Japan with costumes and art directions.
and majored in graphic design, photography and typography in Tama Art University, Tokyo.
While he was still in college, he attracted attention from different people in the world for contributing his works
to one of LADY GAGA’s albums, and in 2010 established his own brand, JOJI KOJIMA.
He has published his works at first-class select shops such as RESTIR in Tokyo, L’ECLAIREUR in Paris, and JOYCE in Hong Kong.
He is also engaged in providing various artists in and around Japan with costumes and art directions.
LADY GAGAを始めとする数々のアーティストに起用されたジュエリーのアーカイブもずらりと並ぶ贅沢な展示会場。メインは新作の爪と甲冑を連想させるリングINSECTA。2~4つのパーツが独創的な曲線を描き、鋭い爪先へと続いています。
全長30cmほどある、豪華な作品とともに 一回り小さい手に馴染むサイズのリングも。
これはDMなどのイメージにも使われているリング。実際にはめるとインパクトのある指先に!その奥には蝶をモチーフにしたリアルクローズな作品も。JOJI KOJIMAらしいデザインで描かれた蝶が、ブローチ・リング・ペンダントとして登場。この蝶がまたかっこいい。This butterfly is so cool. I ordered this neckless.
I am glad if the scent of his artistic design to wear it stylishly daily.
by Junko Suzuki